On April 10, 2022, during a Ram Navami procession in Sendhwa town, Barwani district, Madhya Pradesh, communal violence erupted, severely affecting the local Muslim community. The procession, which passed through Muslim-majority areas, reportedly played provocative songs that escalated tensions. This led to clashes between the two communities, particularly near Hussaini Gate, where violence spread rapidly.
As the situation fumed, several vehicles were set ablaze, further intensifying the unrest. The violence left many Muslim families without homes, forcing them to confront unexpected adversity. Amidst this turmoil, several survivors shared their personal stories of loss and devastation with the Miles2Smile team.
One such individual, Niyazi Kausar, spoke of his ordeal. “Everything of mine is ruined. What was my fault?” Niyazi expressed, with tears in his eyes. He was the sole breadwinner of his family, which included his wife and two children. His shop, which sold chips and biscuits, was a vital source of income. Unfortunately, during the violence, a Hindutva mob allegedly broke into his shop, looted it, and destroyed his stock. In an instant, Niyazi found himself without a livelihood, with no idea how he would provide for his family.
When the Miles2Smile team visited Sendhwa and met Niyazi, they saw the profound impact of the loss on him. “What will I eat, how will I support my family?” Niyazi cried out.. His emotional distress was evident as he reflected on the destruction of his only source of income.
Moved by the love for humanity, Miles2Smile established a fundraiser to help Niyazi and others in similar situations. With the assistance of the donors, within a short period of time, the team was able to assist Niyazi in rebuilding his shop, giving him hope for the future.
The assistance not only helped restore Niyazi’s business but also offered a glimmer of hope to him.
To more about our work during Sendhwa violence: https://stories.miles2smile.org/category/sendhwa-2022/