On April 10, 2022, during a Ram Navami procession in Sendhwa town, Barwani district, Madhya Pradesh, communal violence erupted, severely affecting the local Muslim...
“The police arrived and said, ‘Empty all your belongings, take your money and valuables, and come outside,'” claimed Islam Khan, an elderly survivor of...
On April 2, 2022, during violence orchestrated by Hindutva groups, Muslims in Karauli, Rajasthan, suffered immense financial loss. The unrest unfolded under the pretext...
“They demolished our home, made us homeless. What kind of justice is this?” Asghar Khan cried and asked Miles2Smile while sharing his violence-ridden story. ...
Miles2Smile is a non-profit organization registered under Section-8 of the Companies Act 2013 (18 of 2013) and Rule 8-Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. The organization has its headquarter in New Delhi. The prime working area of the organization is relief & rehabilitation of distressed individuals or groups and educational upliftment of the marginalized and underprivileged.